Junior Year: A Roadmap to University Success and Scholarships

You have just started junior this is the most important year for you so listen very carefully to this information because you are going to look like this rattlesnake and it will help you a lot to prepare yourself so that next year you can apply to universities as well as to scholarships The first thing you should know is that this year your qualifications culminate What do I mean by this is that when you go to apply to the universities they are going to look at your grade 9, grade 10 and grade 11 grades in which this is going to give you a cumulative gpa Now this is important why Because when you start grade 12 they are only going to look at the classes you are taking but they are not going to see anything else So this year is the year to get all out and try to correct all your grades. number 2 try to get to know your teachers because the teachers you are going to have this year are going to be the teachers who will be able to write you a letter of recommendations when you apply to universities as well as to scholarships number 3 this year is the year you have to prepare for st the entrance exam for universities and I recommend that you take it at the end of junior year or at the end of junior year. senior year beginning but this is the year you have to start preparing to avoid getting to the exam and not knowing anything. Place number 4 this is also the year to demonstrate your leadership If you are doing community services or are in any extracurricular activity in which you are not a passive eh member but an active member do a project that demonstrates your skills as a person in the area and if you can do any extracurricular activity or any community service in the area you are passionate about you want to study that will be much more stellar in your application of the universities as well as scholarships And point number 5 start visiting the universities if you can or do tours start researching these universities, packages, programs that have financial aid and also start applying to scholarships and start creating your list of universities as well as your list of scholarships that you are going to apply next year. I hope this helps you a lot and don’t forget that I will be here to inform you. help you in this whole process because you too can get to college without having to pay absolutely nothing because you can.