Navigating the Complexities of Mental Health and Social Media: A Call for Understanding and Compassion

I have not shown my face in this video, um, but this is about the cursing kind of situation and I’ve been asked multiple times about this because people know that I had pubic um, communications of her prior to all this TikTok drama. Um, so a couple of years ago I had got to know Carson from a cheap eating site, like a Facebook page, um, uh, that I was on for my daughter. And now not going into issues surrounding that, you know, that support group in particular, um. Cause it isn’t about that. Um, however I did raise multiple times with admin that, you know, Kirsten was dangerous to herself. Um, I wasn’t particularly mean to Kirsten at first I was a little bit mad at her and then over time I realised that she was extremely sick. Not in the way obviously that she portrays, but equally she’s very sick. And Ma, I had contacted admin and said like, you know, you shouldn’t be able to um, request and and buy medical equipment over these groups and it’s dangerous. Um. But I was sort of just this as a bully and. And there was other issues going on with another person that was a bit more personal to me and won’t get into that. But what I can say is obviously I’ve seen all the videos recently um. And she’s sick. She’s really sick. Um. Might not be how you guys know her to be sick. Um, and now I’ve known people, and we all know people that may, you know, exaggerate the health and stuff, but she’s not on that level. She is very, very, very unwell. Um, psychologically unwell. And unfortunately, I do think person will possibly lose her life. And I don’t think the videos and the constant need to replay her videos all over TikTok is necessary. I, I get why people can be angry at her, but also you have to realise that when someone does that much damage to themselves, and what she’s doing is, it is self harm. You know, she is putting her life at risk every single day. And I think we have to understand that this is deeper than just a social media TikTok, you know, issue. Um, and she needs serious help. And I, and I can’t understand the life of me why in this country she isn’t getting the help that she needs. I, I honestly don’t, um, I honestly don’t know why she’s not sectioned. I, I don’t, I can’t answer those questions. But what I can say is I do feel like a whole vendetta against one person, um, is, is wrong. Um, and just think about it, you know, think about what? Would, you know, think about how abnormal the situation is? It’s not the same. It’s not, it’s not anything to do with, um, it’s not anything to do with, like, I know that she has wishlist and things like That, but I don’t really think it has anything to do with money over I, I think she generally is mentally unwell. Um, and she’s at a huge risk. You know, the pure fact that she’s putting, you know, what she’s doing to herself is self harm. And that’s all I’ve got to really say. I’d, I, I’m not, I don’t agree with all these videos that are going around and around and also the misinformation that is going on them, because what it’s doing is, is people are commenting on things they don’t really know about. Like, oh, well, for example, femoral line. She didn’t have a femoral line. I know she didn’t, but what I’m saying is, is when people are commenting on it, they’re commenting the wrong things. They’re like, well, femoral line wouldn’t go into the central area. It’s not into the main vein of the heart. It’s called a femoral line because it just goes into the femoral. I know this because I’m an. you’re not a nurse then, so you’re just as bad as she is, because you’re claiming to be a nurse or you’re claiming to have had one of these and you clearly haven’t, because a femoral line does go centrally. It just goes through the femoral line to get there. And there’s loads of, loads of scenarios like this that I’ve read. And what it means is that when other people state these things that are generally going through It. People like, oh, no. But we got told on Carson’s video that that wasn’t possible. Um, and so I think the whole thing has got out of hand now, and I just. Yeah, and social media has a lot to answer for that, I don’t know why TikTok is still allowing her to do it on lives and, and things like that. Like, I really don’t. Um. And the same as admins of the, of the other groups on other social media sites, you know, there was allowing her to request medical supplies, and to be honest, that’s wild to me. Like, I would never give anyone my medical supplies. You know, they’re prescribed for a reason, and I, you know, I don’t send, I. I might send, like, things like dressings and gauze and stuff if I know my, my friends, you know, my actual friends need them for their kids, and they just can’t get, you know, they just. They run out or whatever, then. Yeah, but not a random stranger that’s just requesting tubes and, and IV supplies and things like that. Like, I just don’t know. I don’t understand why it was allowed, but. Yeah, that’s all I’ve got to say on the matter, really.