Family Conversations: A Playful Banter with Dad

Listen good. He always talk about Tommy. Him and Tommy, you know, they got that same nose. Yeah. Guess what? They got the same nose. But guess what. If I had a gun, I kill Tommy. No, but they. They both liberals. And I told him one thing. Well, that’s why they don’t get along. They both Libras. And not only that, they both hoish. They hoish boys. I never. They just alike. That’s why they don’t get along. That’s why I told him that. So that’s what it is then, man. They both Libras. They both whores. All right, dad, I’m gonna go home. I gotta go take my medicine. I’ll be back sad or Sunday. Yeah, just go put it on the charger and tell him don’t let them women up there by the stove use it. Phone tell me what they can do stuff. I’m 88 goddamn years old. No, you told me you did it. I never use my damn phone. They didn’t broke this phone up. They broke it up, didn’t it? Yeah. Ain’t nobody use this phone. Wait, I get up. I need to get a little stuff from the grocery store. You think you can give me a couple of things? When you gonna stop back on your. Your card? Yeah, uh, what? When my car to come in? You already got your card? Oh, I got this car, but ain’t nothing on it now. It ain’t gonna be on there till the First. The first day of the month. It’ll be on there on the first. What? What? Gonna be on my other car. You gonna have 3:20 on that one and 1:40 on the other one. But, you know, you gave that to the girl. Yeah, the girl and paid me. Yeah, well, if she wants some on the other one. That what she said. She said, if you want to, she’ll get some off the other one. Well, you let me know when I. I come over here Sunday. Come over Sunday, then I’ll let you know. All right, but what you gonna tell her? She arguing. She 50 some years old and still arguing with a woman about a man. I’m not doing that. You shouldn’t. She shouldn’t have to. I’m not doing that. If what, Chris? A lay? Good. She ain’t got no problem. Well, apparently they ain’t. Good. Go out. You got a problem. It’s where? What’s between her legs. Good. She got a problem. If it’s wide, she got a problem. It might be wide. You could. It might be wide. Daddy, daddy. So you can put your foot in there. All right, dad, I can’t be doing all that laughing. Okay, baby, I appreciate it. I’ll come over here Sunday, okay? All right. It’s Dee. All right, baby.