Why Embrace the Beauty of Your Natural Smile Lines: A Reflection on Aging and Authenticity

One thing I don’t understand is why girls are getting Botox to get rid of the lines on their forehead and then the lines, like, their smile lines. Like, you’re happy, you smile. God forbid you smile. Like, how is that any different then having, like, a dimple or something? Like, that’s just how your face is made up. I have never once looked at somebody’s forehead, and if they have the, like, forehead creases, I’ve never once looked at him and like, oh, my gosh, that looks horrific. Like, that’s just how your face is genetically made up. That’s how your muscles are on your face. How. I don’t understand why people are trying to get rid of it. The only reason I could, like, come up with as to why people wouldn’t like them is, like, it might crease if you put, like, a lot of foundation on. But I just don’t understand how that’s any different than a dimple or, like, a freckle or something. Like, that’s just how your face is made, and why are we spending so much money to try to get rid of it? And like, if you do look at somebody with the forehead creases are, like, small ones. Why are you judging? I, I just don’t understand. It makes no sense to me. And I think aging is such a privilege. Like, I can’t wait one day to be a grandma and to be 60 and 70 and, you know, have Silver long hair. I can’t wait for that to be me. Why are we trying to. I don’t know. I don’t know.