Here are a few title suggestions for the content provided: 1. Unleashing Greatness: The Journey to Achieving Goals and Overcoming Challenges 2. Rising Above: Embracing Discipline and Determination Towards Success 3. From Adversity to Achievement: Embracing Your Greatness 4. Believe, Achieve, Succeed: The Power of Self-Discipline and Mindset 5. Inspiration and Motivation: Embracing Your Greatness and Reaching for the Stars 6. Dream, Believe, Achieve: Navigating Success Through Discipline and Determination 7. The Road to Greatness: Embracing Challenges, Setting Goals, and Achieving Success 8. Unleashing Your Potential: Embracing Discipline and Self-Belief for Success

You know, I was making this video and today is September 2nd. This is kind of like the daily inspiration. And I thought about like, I was gonna talk about these awards and how I was a top sales person at a company. The second month I got there, I got a many of these awards, but these are the three that are sitting on the dresser. And I was gonna talk about what is my thought process about like, how to succeed or be the be the top sales person or how I wrote a book or learn new languages. And it’s just all types of stuff cause I wrote a book even though I quit school at 12 years old. Um, I Learned how to speak French in a prison where there nobody spoke French, you know, so it’s a lot of kind of crazy things. But the reality is this, we have all accomplished crazy things from raising children, being in relationships for many years, um, surviving jobs that we absolutely hate. And so we all have done things that are kind of pretty incredible, you know, for whatever reason that motivated us. Right? So the reality is this, I don’t even need to tell you how I did it. I don’t mind sharing. I would love to share. But I want you to know that you have already accomplished greatness, even if it’s something that you don’t like. Like I said, showing up every day to a Job that you. You absolutely hate, right? That is greatness, man. You know, like, it really is. Um, I think sometimes the disconnect is that greatness that you have to discipline to show up to do things you don’t like to do, or do things that you do like to do. The. The. The disconnect is this. You’re not taking and putting your attention on what you want to accomplish. So, you know, for me, whenever I was working, I went to this company where people have been here for 15 years, and I was like, man, I wanna be. I wanna be like, the best. And, um, that’s what I said. And then I said, well, what does it take to be the best? They come in at 8. Well, I need to come in at 7:45, you know, they leave at 6, I need to leave at 6:30. Well, they make 100 phone calls. Well, I need to make 200 phone calls. Cause they already know tricks that I don’t know, you know, they know how to do this, things that I don’t know. So I had to. I was like, you know, that’s what I gotta do in order to be the best. And. And that’s what I did. So I put a goal in place and then I had a conversation with myself and said, what does it take to. To accomplish this goal? You know, creating. I will rise, and you will too. And writing A workbook. And I’m like, what does it take? Well, I need fundamentals. So I remember I was up there in Connecticut, and I paced back and forth in the attic and. And I was like, well, what is I will rise? And that’s what I asked myself. And I was like, well, it’s about being grateful, you know? Well, it’s about understanding that life is difficult. Well, faith. You gotta have faith, and you gotta fall in love with the process. And then, you know, invest in people. People are your greatest resource. So then I started to write down, well, that’s what it is. And I hand wrote, that’s what it is. Each one. I was like, okay, that’s four fundamentals. Okay, well, what else about these fundamentals? And then I started to expound on it. Then I called doctors, and I called therapist, and I conferred with them. And then I was like, man, well, I need a workbook. I need what. What. What is our motto? What do we stand for? What is this? What is this? And then I worked and worked and worked, and I was like, you know, then. Then I wrote a workbook, and then I rewrote the workbook, and then I gave that to therapist and doctors and people that have been through situations in. In real life. And I said, hey, what did you think about this? I brought in more people. So I just set a goal in place. And I said, what is it willing to take in order to accomplish that goal? And then I say, am I willing to do it? And I’m like, hell, yeah, I’m willing to do it. And it’s like this with every single thing, man. So I want you to know that you’re accomplishing greatness, even if it’s something that you don’t like. But imagine if you took that energy, you took that discipline that you have for things that you don’t like, and you started to put it towards things that you like, things that you want to do, things that are gonna benefit you exponentially and, um, benefit your relationship, benefit your kids. You know, if you’re willing to do all these other things but you’re not willing to do things that are gonna directly benefit you, like, that’s gonna take you to the next level, that’s gonna make your life more amazing, you know, you. You go work for a company you hate, but you won’t go to therapy to become happier, or you won’t do this, or you won’t exercise her, or you won’t work on your relationship. Um, so I just want you to know that you’ve already achieved greatness. You’ve already done great things, you continue to do great things. Now I just want you to. To realize how amazing you are and just say, hey, what do I want my life to look like? And have that conversation, because you can literally do it. Man, you can do it. I believe it. I believe it. I believe it. I don’t know what it takes to get you to see it, to understand it, but I’m dedicated to it every day. I post daily inspirations, and I try to remind you daily that you can do and become anything. It’s crazy, I know, but it’s possible. I love y’all. I will rise, and you will, too. And I believe that I’m gonna see y’all at the top.