The Memorable Role of Tom Cruise in Tropic Thunder: A Reflection on Les Grossman

people always seem to forget that Tom Cruise was in Tropic Thunder remember Les Grossman that’s that was Tom Cruise I remember seeing that in theaters and my mom was like that’s Tom Cruise and that fat suit and we were like no you’re dumb you’re stupid for saying that went back home we looked it up fucking Tom Cruise it’s probably the greatest role that Tom cruises in like Top Gun Top Gun 2 was good Top Gun 2 is really good Top Gun one’s a bit cheesy you know Jerry Maguire all the Mission Impossibles they’re not great they’re not I haven’t seen a lot of them I don’t think they’re that great when I think of Robert Downey junior Ben Stiller Tom Cruise and Tropic Thunder though bring a smile to my face and I think that’s that was tremendous acting they killed it so