Budget-Friendly Tostadas de Frijol: A Quick and Delicious Meal Idea

I haven’t added a new meal to my budget friendly meals in a while, so here’s another one. Tostadas de frijol. I had these frijoles burritos in the deep freezer since my aunt came over, and she made a whole lot and froze them while I took some of those out. You can use any type of beans, canned beans, whatever. Everybody has tortillas in the fridge. Okay, take some out and then deep fry them. I prefer red onion, but honestly, it doesn’t really matter. So chop up some onion, I add some boiling water to it for like five minutes. No mas. Para que se quita vien. Okay. Excuse my Spanish. I don’t know. That’s just how my mom taught me. Five minutes with some boiling water, drain it, and then you can add your limes. It’s cause I feel like if you don’t add the boiling water, the onion is going to stay, like, hard and it’s going to take a long time to courtier. How do you say courtier? I don’t know. Add some salt and some pepper to your onion, and that’s done. Some people add vinegar, some people add. I want to those I don’t. Okay, chop up some lettuce, and I have this queso fresco. And start building your tostadas. Also, I didn’t record it, but I added some shredded lettuce to my shredded lettuce, shredded carrot to my lettuce, and then I chopped up a cucumber that I had and just start Building your tostada. I literally made dinner today in, like, 15 minutes. It was super easy and so yummy. This would have been top tier if I had some avocado, but no. Okay, add some Tapatio, and you’re ready to go. This was 10 out of 10. So good.