College Toiletry Organizer: The Must-Have Item for Weekend Home Visits

my daughter left for college about two weeks ago and it’s Labor Day weekend this was her very first weekend coming home and this is the one thing that she requested that she needed for college one thing we didn’t think of but now we have it and she’s gonna take this back with her to school she wanted something that when she came home for the weekends she had something to put all of her toiletries in and this is what we chose this is going to be absolutely perfect to put all the things that she needs when she comes home um this is perfect for jewelry I love this one because um there’s so many different pockets and organizers and the inside pocket can fit full size toiletries a hanger where you can hang it up perfect if you are travelling and maybe you’re in a staying in a hotel room this is perfect to put all of your things in that you may need and it folds up so nicely and it’s very easy to take back and forth if you are a college parent like me and you spent so much time getting them ready to go to school don’t forget you still need those little items that they can use to come home