Trickfinger’s Third Album Review: A Mediocre Mix of Glitches and Noise

the third album from Trickfinger She Smiles Because She Presses the Button is just as bad opener amb actually has some decent parts it’s not all bad the lead’s decent most of the way through it’s like nice background music that is until the bass drop then it’s just mediocre Brise is quite annoying and glitchy there’s some decent layers introduced later but they’re quickly overtaken by more annoying glitchy layers it’s just bad noice just feels like a mix of noises some vocal samples some knocking noises some synths it just doesn’t work together Plane is in an odd time signature which would normally actually add some interest but this track’s just so annoying it makes it feel worse Rhyme Four sounds like royalty free video game music like something from a generic flash game and I think I’ve said that about him before And closer Sea YX6 it’s just a mix of sounds again cartoon sound effects default synths and an out of time drum machine it’s not good overall really not impressed in the ranking third bottom again and tomorrow more pluralone see you then