Title: The Impact of Leadership Abandonment in the National Guard

You took over the position he should have had on the deployment? Yep. When he. When he quit in may, it was like the rumor went across the state that he had quit, and it was like, who the hell does that? I mean, it was just unbelievable that a CSM abandoned his troops. You know, 500 soldiers, basically. But beyond that, there’s 1,000 parents out there that expect that person to lead those people into combat and to train them and to. And to do everything they can to equip them properly and. And, you know, try to get them all home alive if possible. And besides those thousand parents, there’s all the sisters and brothers out there and everybody in those small hometowns and in the National Guard. I mean, there’s. There’s thousands of towns across Minnesota that have guard people in them. All this great community is behind all those soldiers there. And for that sergeant major or a first sergeant or an E7 or anybody in an MCO position to quit like that, it’s like losing the major or the patriarch of the family.