Advanced Mirror Setup Strategy for Oregon Basement in Rainbow Six Siege

You need to stop setting up your mirror on the map, Oregon and basement like this, and instead start doing it like this. Now you’re gonna have to give me some time to explain, because it might look a little weird at first, but this is how you want your mirror to be set up instead. So first of all, what this is going to allow you to do is instead of only being able to peek from the headholes, you now can peek from the door and the headholes, making it a little harder for them to predict what you’re going to do. Not only does this make you harder to predict, but it also makes it a lot harder to break the mirror from the hatch. When your mirror is inside of E box. As soon as they get the hatch they can simply shoot it. But now they have to actually shoot the mirror with Habana pellets or a Twitch drone or something instead of just shooting it straight from the hatch. And you can counter this with mute or bandit. Another concern you probably have is for backstair. And yes, this is the biggest counter to this mirror. All you simply have to do is have those head holes on pirate like you normally would and have somebody watching those backstair. You usually have some watching backstair anyway, so it really shouldn’t be that big of a deal. A zombie also works as a great counter For backstair, whether you want to actually place the zombies on the backstair itself or just to keep you safe.