The Drama Unfolds: A Tale of Lies, Flowers, and Unexpected Encounters

Started to cry, but then remembered, I. I can buy myself flowers. Miss Howard, what are you thinking? She lied. And I should have known better when I seen her here. Miss Reese. I’m back, bitches! And I don’t wanna hear I’m acting different. Did you ask a person? No. Hey, hey, I’m talking, okay? My apologies, miss girl. Miss who? I’m sorry, she’s not a girl. It’s Miss Toller. It’s Judge Toller. Be quiet. I have a question. Can you say hi? MTV Israel? Hi, Africa. Hi, Africa. And we’re interviewing Nickelodeon stars Ariana Grande. So I just wanted to say that, um, the only thing I’ve ever groomed is my two Persian cats. I’m not a groomer. I’m just a loser. Nina.