The Great Marinara Sauce Showdown: Unveiling the Top Brands

Who makes the best canned marinara sauce? Let’s find out. Welcome to another episode of Snack Off. So we have four of the top marinara sauces. So we made some pasta, mix it with the sauce. Oh, wow. That’s definitely Prego. It tastes exactly like Lunchables. This is definitely Prego. You get that, like, fake Italian seasoning, which is not bad. Flavor. Number two. Hmm. You could just tell. That’s way better quality. You get a lot of olive oil flavor with this one. The tomatoes feel very fresh. That one’s really good. Next, number three. Oh, this one has, like, no flavor. I’d almost prefer the first one over this one. And then last. Okay, this one’s good, but the second one is better. I’m gonna say Prego, Raos, Bertolli, Carbone. But number two is the best. Okay. Okay. Carbone. The winner of Snack Off.