Blue Cheese Ice Cream Delight: A Unique Taste Adventure at Salt & Straw

Dude, I’m gonna make you try it and you have to try it because it’s gonna blow your mind no, I promise I’m gonna take a French guy to eat blue cheese ice cream Ali Univa come on I I hope they still have it also what I remember about this place is you can try as many ice creams as you want do you still have blue cheese ice cream memories of this stuff? Like it’s my favorite okay, they have a Mac and cheese one and now I have to try it can I can I try this? Oh my God my bra is out because I have no boobs okay, let’s see his expression when he eats it it’s not bad I told you hahaha it’s French guy approved uncle and there you have it you have to try this okay, let me describe to you what this tastes like okay, it’s basically pear and blue cheese most of this ice cream is pear and then you have specks of blue cheese so the saltiness and stankiness sort of hits you after you get like this fresh mouthful of hair so I think that’s how it works why is there something in my eye? Hair and blue cheese ice cream from salt and straw hmm.