Unlocking Your Camera Presence: The Key to Saving Money on Video Editing Services

You are wasting your money on your video editor. Or if you don’t have a video editor but you’re thinking of getting one, this will save you some money. Every day I receive, on average, two to three messages from video editors offering me their services. And when I look at their portfolios, 95% of the time I keep seeing the exact same problem, which is that the person that they edited the video for has a very poor camera presence. I mean, bad posture, no energy, no conviction, no clear communication. Unless you train yourself to show up on camera in a charismatic way, you’re wasting your money. Because there is only so much a video editor can do, and it has nothing to do with your talent. It’s a question of are you trained or untrained? I’m not talking about professional training. I’m talking about are you practicing every single day to show up on camera and be able to talk in a clear, charismatic way? So how do you actually do that? There is a simple exercise that you can do daily. I use it on all my clients who want to be speaking with more confidence and authority on camera. After you had your favourite morning coffee or tea or smoothie, whatever you’re into, pick up your phone with the selfie camera, press record and speak for 5 minutes. But what am I gonna be speaking about? You know that voice in your head that never Shuts up. Just say it out loud, whatever you’re hearing in there. So I’m curious. Do you find it easy or hard to talk to a camera? Let me know in the comments.