Navigating the Fast Lane: A Hilarious Guide to Road Etiquette and Speeding Strategies

If you hopping on the road, you gotta understand it’s a fast side and it’s a slow side. If you with your mama or you with your mama, you got somebody up in the car, you can’t do too much. You might have a couple warrants or something. I ain’t judging. I had once at one point and I was going 5 under the speed limit. I get it. Cause bitch, you gotta catch me to catch me. And a speed limit ticket ain’t gonna be the reason why. But if you in that fast lane know what you doing and drive in that fast lane, bitch, you gotta get to booking. Cause a bitch like me gonna come behind you and bitch, I’m booking, I’m going 80 and a 60. Fuck a ticket. And it be bitches like y’all to be coming up in this lane holding up traffic. And that’s why I’ll be going off on y’all motherfuckers pissing me off and shit. Fuck.