Reading Between the Lines: Decoding Your September Book of the Month Pick

This is what your September Book of the month pick says about you. if you wanna argue with someone about it argue with the books. They said it. If your pick was Blue Sisters, you have childhood trauma and your favourite color is probably not blue. If your pick was A Song To Drown Rivers, you are a feminist icon with an anger issue. If you pick Sleep Tight, you probably think you still have a chance to be a recurring character on Criminal Minds. You don’t. If you picked The Love Elixir of Augusta Stern, you’re one of those hopeless romantics that goes out in public and tries to act mysterious and thinks random strangers fall in love with you. Mmmhm. If you picked Madwoman you have a criminal record. Or you should have a criminal record. And if your pick was Phantasma you should have been a contestant on Fear Factor. And I’m scared of you. Quick reminder that the book said it. What were your September Book of the month picks? I need to know. Happy reading!