Voting Abroad: A Guide for U.S. Students Studying Overseas

Oh, hey, are you an American abroad? Are you. Are you over the age of 18? Are you a student studying abroad? Okay. Okay, then. Come here. I need to tell you something. Um, so I don’t know if you knew this, but you can vote. Yeah, you can still vote. You can still register to vote. You can request your ballot. You can do all of that even if you’re living abroad or studying abroad or temporary abroad or anywhere abroad. But you know what’s so crazy? Each state of the U S. Has, like, different regulations. It’s practically each state’s like a different country. Although it’s not. It’s one country. And you have one voice that can be heard even if you’re halfway across the ocean. Don’t worry. We can still hear you. And you know who’s here to listen? US voters The process of register to vote and request your ballot is super simple and a lot faster than the trip to the post office in Italy. If you know. You know, don’t wait too long. Every state has a different deadline. Safe bet is September 7th, so keep that in mind. You got one voice, so make it count.