Staying Strong: Why It’s Important to Hold Your Ground After a Breakup

You know, when you. When you put them out or y’all break up and you just happen to talk to him again or meet him or see him, you know, while you’re out, the best thing for you to do is to listen, stay strong. Don’t respond, shake your head or whatever. But don’t give them the notion that you might be curious about getting back together. Because what happens is when they come to you now, they start to confess and, you know, talk about how much I miss you and you were the best one for me and all this stuff. They’re weak. They’re very weak. And the only thing they looking for, they not. They not looking for you to, you know, to get back with them at all, right? At the moment? No, they not. That’s a part of it, but that comes later. What they’re really looking for is a weak moment in you. And when you show them that weak moment in yourself, when you’re out, you see them, y’all start to talk to you, engage conversation. You give them hope. The moment you show a weak moment in yourself, that’s when they gain a stronger moment in themselves. So be careful. Y’all have a good day.