Thriving Through Trials: A Story of Makeup, Resilience, and Gratitude

Good morning, besties. So as I promised, my pop of color with my Saint pallet this morning. So we are going to get ready and I’m gonna kind of use a little bit of a different method this morning than just putting it on with my brush.

I am going to dot with my fingers this morning just because I’m kind of wanting a little bit of a different, more precise look this morning. Not necessarily precise, but you kinda know what I mean. And I’ve got a little bit of a different color. I have a couple spots that I wanna try to cover a little bit this morning. So I’m using a different color besides just my main brightening color. And so now I’m gonna go in with my main shade and just kind of put that where you put your main foundation because that’s what your main Jade for.

So I wanted to also pop on here and talk about some changes that Saint is gonna be making to their artist program. It’s not going to affect me in a way of sales products, what I get to bring to you guys in any way. So I know you might be hearing some things that are going on. Don’t fret. I promise, I am still going to be your artist.

But it is also going to allow me to take advantage of some different opportunities that I have in the, down the pike that I can talk about, because I’m not restricted with a non compete. So stay tuned for some amazing different products that I’ll be bringing to you.

But I’m still a Saint sister. I’m still here for your products. I will still be using Saint. I will. It’s, it is my makeup and it’s what I wanna bring to you because it’s what I’m passionate about. It’s what I love, it’s what I know you will love. And my customers are loyal to the bone, and I love you for it. So I am going to be giving some updated information here in the next few days. But today we are going to be thankful that it is hump day. It is the start of my long weekend today. So let’s blend and say happy hunting. What do you guys get going on? I mean, I’m getting ready for work, but hum, hum, hum. It is my start to my long weekend. I have Thursday and Friday off. Yay. I have no real big plans for the weekend.

For those of you that don’t know, my son was involved in a firework explosion Christmas night. This Christmas will be three years ago, which caused some very significant injuries. And so if we watch fireworks, we now watch them from a distance. And when I say a distance, I mean a distance. He was actually involved in the firework explosion. And like I said, it caused some very significant damage. And the way of a skull fracture in five places, crushed hands, paralysis to the left side of his body. And unfortunately, some seizure activity because of the skull fracture and the brain bleed.

But me, what I dropped, we are thriving. We are healing. It has been a journey in therapy. And to look at him now, you would never know anything is wrong. God is good. That is what I’m gonna say. God is good because my son, who is now 27, pulled through when we weren’t sure that when they loaded him in the Lifeflight helicopter, we were going to see him alive again. As a parent, it was my scarius and worst nightmare.

But like I said, we are thriving. He pulled through and we thank God every day for it. So like I said, no real big plans in this holiday weekend. And that’s okay because he’s here and that is what we are most thankful for.

Okay, now we are gonna go in with our bronzer. I’m not gonna do a contour today cuz I’m gonna kind of keep it a little simple since I’m doing my pop of color for you all, but I am gonna go in with my bronzer and I’m going to now blindness just like I always do. But I am interested to know, what do you guys got going on this weekend, this holiday weekend? What are your fun plans? Are you going on any trips? Is this the start of like a family trip or just a trip in general? Do you kind of like, do you have a huge barbecue blow out? What are your plans for the holiday weekend? I’d love to know. Like I said, we don’t have anything major going on, but that doesn’t mean that you don’t. And I’d love to hear about it because it’s fun to have plans, it’s fun to take trips.

I love to travel. My husband and I love to travel. And so where have you, Ben, that you recommend? Where have you loved? Where have you hated? Where have you gone on a family vacation and been like, never again. And that community out of the country.

Just Tam, let me know. I’m interested now. Are we ready for our pop up color? Do not be scared, you guys, because I wanna show you how beautifully this is going to blend out. Okay, now it looks, hello, red. But are you ready? You’re ready for this?

Look at how that blends. So pretty. There is my firework pop of color for you guys this morning. I am doing color matches, so I am ready to work with you if I have already worked with you and you need to add a pop of color to your palette or you are needing to shade up or you’re just needing to replenish and replace, let me know. I’m here for you. There’s my pop of color. So I hope everybody has a great day. I’m gonna finish with my eyes, with my mascara and do my brows and we’ll show you the final look. So everybody have a great day. Be humble, be kind, be safe. But above all, do not ever forget. Always be amazing.