Unbreakable Bonds: The Transformative Power of Female Friendships

okay I don’t know how many women can relate to this I hope that it’s a lot but when I say that my life would be nothing without my female friendships I really truly truly truly believe that and stand on that having these friendships has been so transformative in my 20s these are the only women who have seen every single season I’m talking about every single season they have seen me absolutely thriving they have seen me in the pits of hell but here’s the thing never once have I felt judged by them not one time never once have I felt anything less than love and support based on the season the conversation changes but the love and support never does and that is something that like I can’t explain money can’t buy when I think about my female friendships I could literally cry there have been multiple men that I have been with that are jealous of these relationships but here’s the thing these women have never ever made me feel unsafe in any capacity and they have never made me feel less than which is a lot more than a lot of men can say so these these women are just like they are my foundation and I love them unconditionally forever it breaks my heart honestly that we’re getting older and getting into serious relationships but at the end of the day like the love that we have for each other and the support and the empathy and the respect is something that can never ever be replaced and like I said just thinking about it could make me cry so I hope that a lot of women actually can relate to that because everybody deserves an army like that everyone