Unexpected Beauty Mishap: A Squeeze Bottle Disaster Story

For everyone asking what happened here, because it’s a great question, my answer is honestly, I don’t know. I’ll show you what the bottom looks like. You can see it’s all drippy. You can see it like split down the side. The little like squeeze top. Do I still have a hole? No, I think I threw it out. But the little nozzle squeeze, I mean it’s similar to this, it was smaller, but it’s not designed to pop off. It’s all sealed together. It’s not like there was a lot of product left. You can see the line where there’s still so much in the clip before. You can see that a little bit more came out than normal cause there’s like a little bit of pressure. And I was like, I’ll just do one more little squeeze just to get some on the bottom half of my face. And then that happened. Don’t get me wrong, I love this. It’s a tinted moisturizer. It has SPF. It’s rare beauty. It’s great. And I haven’t heard of anyone else having their bottle malfunction like this. I don’t know. Mine. Mine did. Rare beauty, I still love you and I know accidents happen sometimes and at least I didn’t lose all of it. I lost a lot of it though, and it makes me a little sad cause we all save what we can and maybe wash off the bottle.