Uploaded and period e today. So we’re doing my comfy pants. They are the ideal at period pants. They’re from forever new but I never know their name cause they keep changing their name so I don’t know. I’ve got them linked somewhere and that’s okay. I just really want winter to be over. I’m so over it. Actually I’m gonna gel these bits down now because I just keep breaking them cause I keep using so much heat on them to try and get them straight. I know this is not how you meant to use this product but that’s how I use it. A belt is like sensory overload sometimes for me. I think I’ll just do a coat, put my boots on. These are from Whitney. A lot of people ask about them. I don’t think they make them anymore but they do have really similar ones but with different heels. They’re really comfy. I thrash these. We will do this and just gonna do silver hoops. I think I will just do a black scarf today. Hopefully this keeps me warm cause it’s quite cold. Say bye bings. Have a good day. I love him so fucking much. I could kill him. I could kill him. I could eat him. I could boil him into a soup and I could eat him.