Cinnamon Bun Little Moons: A Delectable Review

Cinnamon bun. Little moons. So, 5 pounds, and I said, they came off today. Let’s try them. So as soon as you open the package, all you can smell is cinnamon. I love cinnamon. I hope it tastes like cinnabon. So let’s get it out. So I’m not really a fan of little moons, and I know they went a bit crazy back in the day, but cinnamon bun, my God, these are the nicest little moons ever. So inside, cinnamon ice cream wrapped in, like, a mochi. Oh, my God. It’s all over my fingers. But, yeah, unreal. It tastes like a Cinnabon. I’ve got no way of a way to describe them. Cinnamon ice cream. Gorgeous. 10 out of 10, honestly. Get yourselves to Asda now. Oh, my god.