Secret Move: The Frog Hop – Black Ops 6 Ban Incoming?

This move might get banned in Black Ops 6. The pros are calling it the Frog Hop. And this is Ultra’s Leaf guy. So keep this a secret. You’re sliding into a drop shot and spam jumping backwards. So hit your slide button, then hold it down to enter prone. When your legs look like this, pull your left stick back and spam your jump button. You see you’re rapidly switching your hitbox three times in a second, which throws off your enemies, aim, assist and tracking. And you can do it in any direction. It’s fast, unexpected and freaky. Don’t have back buttons. This beginner variation is even crazier. It just takes one button slide, then hold down your slide button. You’ll enter prone instantly. It’s like a super fast drop shot. So put some reps in in the training mode and hit that follow for more fun movement tips.