Phenomenal Monster Keto Burger with Crispy Cheese: A Must-Try Recipe!

So today, we’re going to make such a fantastic recipe. I’ve been so excited to show you guys this one. It’s gonna be so phenomenal. You’re gonna be dying to try it as soon as you can start with two big beautiful patties, a beef right there onto our hot skillet on the hot film. And then we’re adding in some butter and some delicious, tasty slice onion.

Now we’re gonna go a little bit heavy on those onions right onto the stone. We want to get these nice and cooked. And we got something great coming right with them now, right on top of those onions, we’re gonna go with some delicious dairy goodness. You got that right. A nice delicious cheese mixture. This is the Mexican blend.

We got cheddar, we got Kobe, we got Jack. Let’s go ahead and do just a little bit more on there. Can’t have too much cheese. And it’s a big part of this recipe to make this really work the way we want it to.

All right, now it’s time to slip our pre season burger Patty. This is 2 pounds of beef and each Patty is pre seasoned with garlic, salt and black pepper. Look at that. Perfect. That is just a beautiful here. Now another wonderful part from delicious bacon right on there. Look at that. So wonderful. This is gonna be an amazing recipe.

Let’s get it all spread out. Let’s get this bacon flipped over so it’s nice and evenly cooked. Everything is well done, just so I want it. Look at that. Beautiful. Let’s get these onions over here. They’re ready to go. Perfect. Right on the bottom is our base making this awesome flying Dutch hand. This one’s gonna go. Why? Now the important part. Let’s get these patties going. Phenomena. Look at that. Great.

What a beautiful burger we got here. And then the last Patty. Last but certainly not least.

All right, let’s get in the kitchen and dress this up. This smells so amazing. Time for the finishing touches. Spring in some mayonnaise. Can’t have a great burger. Sell some delicious mayonnaise right there. Then we’re gonna spread some more catch up. Awesome. That’s one’s no sugar added so it keep those carbs a little lower. Let’s mix that around get it nice and spread out, make clear sure we get all those awesome flavors in every single bite. So now let’s finish off this monster keto burger with our cheese. Now, if you know the in and out secret menu, notifying Dutchman is we took this viral recipe and made it so much better. Look at that. Best part of the video, taste test. We gotta get a good slice. That cheese is nice and crispy. That’s what we want. We wanna make a nice top on our burger. How you can hear the crisp of that cheese. This is phenomenal.

I’ve been waiting for this all day long, actually for a few weeks since I saw this recipe. Let’s go. Yeah, never better. You gotta try this.