Fixing Molly’s Jump Shot: A Detailed Analysis and Guide for Improvement

I’m about to fix this jump shot right here. Let’s get it. So before I start my breakdown and analysis, here is Molly’s jump shot from four different angles, just like the ask in slow motion. It just allows me to see every possible issue that she can possibly have with that jump shot. And right now, I’m about to show you every single one of those and how to fix it. First thing I would like to start is the hands and the hand placement. So you can see how her hand is, like, super spread out and then how her shooting hand is super far to the left on the ball. What I wanna do is I wanna keep my hand spread out, but not too much. Like, I don’t wanna have a stiff hand. I wanna have a soft hand with my thumb pointing up and not too much to the side. And then my shooting hands, also gonna split the ball with the index finger down the middle and not go too far left towards the guy hand. Now let’s get into the feet. And you can see that both of her feet point in different directions. So ideally, what I recommend is have both feet point in the exact same way and have it tilt to slightly about 11:00. Next, let’s talk about her set point. So instead of keeping the ball in my set point, under my chin and on the side of my Face like this. I would like to be in front of my face, like right about here. And try to be slightly above my chin, or at least on the same level. And then slowly and gradually start getting to a little bit higher set points, but try to keep it in front of your face. And then last thing, she releases her guy hand a little bit too early. But as you saw in the picture, she releases her guy hand here already. What I wanna do is trying to keep my guy hand on the ball for as long as I can, and then try to release it by the end of my shot. And then shoot it.