NFL Players and Their Vibrant Tattoos: A Hustle Butter Review

What’s up, guys? I am with Hustle Butter here, and today we are gonna be ranking a five different NFL players tattoos. Maybe not ranking, but just maybe talking about it. First one we’re gonna do is Trent Williams. One thing you can tell with Trent, you can probably tell on my right arm. A lot of times when you get these tattoos at a young age, they start to fade over time. Not a bad thing. Personally, I kind of like it a little bit. But if you were to take some of this ultrasound butter right here, pop that on the old skin. Those things are vibrant and new, just like a fresh tattoo. The next person we’re gonna look at George Kittle. First thing that comes to mind. Fun guy. That’s a fun guy you want to be around day in and day out, and his tattoos absolutely reflect that. You got some anime going on here. We got Pokemon on the forearm. That’s the best thing about tattoos. You have, like, this freedom of expression. You’re wearing your identity on your body, which is really cool. Next person we’re gonna look at OBJ. Realism guy through and through. It’s fun because when you look at it, it just kind of looks like a collage of things at first, and then you stare a little bit longer and you start to see more and more different kinds of tattoos with the hustle. But you get those fine Details to stay a whole lot longer. Next is Mike Evans. You see all his tattoos in great detail. Now, he’s had the voice for a while. Hustle Butter is going to be the thing that fixes that. More than anything, baby. And finally, Max Crosby. Insane work. You got Muhammad Ali in there, you got Michael Jordan, you got. You got a whole bunch of dudes. And that tattoo, those are fresh tattoos. So hustle butter, he puts that on there, it’s gonna last like that for a long, long time. Cause there’s realism. Tattoos have a way of fading over time. Not with hustle butter. Let us know who you want us to rank next. Big hugs, tiny kisses. I love you guys.