Chef Gordon Ramsay Creates a Culinary Masterpiece: Deconstructed Stuffed Pepper with Hanger Steak and Coffee-infused Marinade

Max. How you doing, Gordon? Tell me about the dish. What you doing? I’m making a deconstructed stuffed pepper with a hanger steak that’s marinated with a corn avocado crema and cilantro lime rice. Love that. You wanna turn the gas on as well? Oh, man. I just ripped the hell out of my pants. Was that that noise? You just ripped your pants? I just ripped my. Honestly, turn around. Is it bad? Yeah, it’s terrible. Oh, my gosh. She’s got a little extra air conditioning going on in there. Ha ha ha ha. You’ll be fine. You had worse, right? Focus. Coffee. Where we going with coffee? Coffee is going in the marinade. Going in the corn. Yes. Good luck. Sounds good. Thank you. I am tearing up the kitchen today.