How to Land a Programming Job Without Work Experience: A Guide to Freelance Projects for Junior Developers

this is how you bypass needing work experience for a programming job we see them all the time on job requirements we need a junior developer with 3 years of experience but how are you supposed to get experience if you need experience in order to get it well this is how you do that freelance projects this is the exact strategy I teach all of my students that gets them hired in 3 months 4 months 6 months and it’s what I myself did in order to land my first coding job in just six months you want to get a minimum of two to three freelance projects to put on your resume and utilize to help you land a job and yes this is gonna blow employees away think about it what other junior has experience helping real customers with their code that’s gonna make you stand out to anyone but now the question is how do you actually get those first freelance projects here’s exactly how you’re going to do that start by approaching everyone you know so family friends mutuals etcetera and ask them if they need a website offering to build it for 100% free at the same time use Google to search for local businesses in your area that don’t have a website and email them and call them making the same offer using this method you’re pretty much guaranteed to find someone who needs a website and once you do find someone who needs a website all you need to do is search for a web template on enavto elements the web templates will literally give you all of the code so all you have to do is change the images and the text and once you finish customising the web template get the client to buy a custom domain and deploy the website for them do this for two to three people and you’re actually a legitimate freelance developer so when someone asks you about these freelance projects on your resume you can actually back it up with a real proof now if you’ve made it this far into the video and for some reason you still think what I’m saying is BS let me know when you’re consistently landing your students and yourself high paying coding jobs and we can have a conversation you’re welcome and go check out more of my shit