MTV Instagram Vote for New Jeans: Group of the Year & Danielle’s Stunning Pop Magazine Feature

Everybody go on MTV’s Instagram right now and vote for new jeans for group of the year. I am urging you to do this. Yep. You’re being held at gunpoint right here. You see? You see? No, but, like, please go and vote for new jeans. They deserve this so, so much. It would be so amazing, especially with what’s happening right now, if we can make them win. So go vote and tell me that you voted so I know you’ve done it. We’ve also just today gotten Danielle with pop magazine for Celine, looking so stunning, as usual. I love what they’ve done with this, with the wavy hair, the tints of the bag. Everything about this is perfect. We also have this cover as well. Oh, the side part. Daniel actually eats a side part when her hair is, like, maybe wavy and messy. I love the top with the leather jacket as well. This one, I think, is my favourite. She looks stunning.