Hey Neziah! What have you enjoyed about the Extern to RN Program? I enjoyed meeting some of my fellow nursing students and all the opportunities I had to learn. I got to spend the day in the Fetal Center, shadowing and learning about fetal medicine. Hey Maddi! What have you enjoyed about the Extern to RN Program? I have loved getting to work and meet a wide variety of people, and spend my days meeting new people everyday. Hey Hannah! What have you enjoyed about the Extern to RN Program? I’ve enjoyed being able to meet the families and patients and being able to learn a lot about the cardiac kids, and being able to get an amazing experience. It was an amazing opportunity, being able to be on the unit that I’ll actually be starting in as a nurse. So, I got to learn a lot, see a lot and also meet a lot of the patients and staff that I’ll be working with here soon.