Skate 3 Spillway Ceiling Challenge: Unlikely Tricks and Triumphs

Have you ever noticed these giant holes in the ceiling at the spillway in Skate 3? Well, I thought they were totally unskateable until I saw this clip from Bagpiper 2K. He’s all the way up there, does the speed glitch, flies all the way over the top, across into this other opening in the ceiling. Like what is going on? And somehow he rides away. That is crazy. Alright guys, I gotta give this a try. If this light is blinking, that means I am live on TikTok right now trying this challenge. So come and tune in, see if I can land it. This is another angle of it. Looks absolutely insane. Like how did anyone think it was possible to skate this spot? I have no idea, but I’m definitely excited to try cause look at that. That is so cool. And for those of you who tune into my last stream, yes! I finally landed the last narrow skate 3 gap challenge. It took me two days, but I finally got it. Here’s the clip following. Oh! Oh! Let’s go! Yes! Dude, I knew that was the one!