Reflections on the Fight: A Rollercoaster of Emotions, Respect, and Entertaining Antics

Obviously it was a bit of a mismatch. He had no like, fighting ability at all. But big respect to him for getting in there. It was a good little move about. Obviously it was a good experience for me to actually get in there. I didn’t feel any pressure at all and it’s good. Like I’m. I rise under them situations and now I know in my head I do. I’m caught. Earlier on in the morning I was a tad bit nervous listening to music. But as I got closer to the fight, my nerves were going in. Now I was sick, chilling. Great performance. Big up to George. Big, good event. And the dickhead who’s outside the ring who tried to have a fight with me. Who are you, bro? You broke little bum and you got clocked in your chin, dickhead. Let’s talk about the experience of fight week. Are you glad to have on about the pushing, the shoving, the wrestling, the flip flop throwing. Hey, Jess, the flip flop throwing me and George made this fucking event. Big up to him as well, cause I wouldn’t have done as the pushing if he didn’t fucking shove me the first time we fucking run the views up. It was a sick event and yeah, that’s it. I was. I love fight week. It was good. I heard you say Jake Paul’s name and Zac’s name. What’s. What’s the plan now? So I’m gonna keep training I’ve quit, bud. Now for two weeks. Big up to my coach for training me hard, getting me fit in five days. And, uh. Yeah, like, I’m gonna. I’m gonna keep fighting, and I’m gonna fight everyone and beat them. Congratulations, HS. Thank you very much.