Contrasting Perspectives on Living in San Francisco: A Tale of Homelessness, Jazz Bars, and Changing Times

What’s it like living in San Francisco? Terrible. It’s too many fucking homeless around, bro. We need a good community, not a bad community. How do you feel about them giving them, like, syringes and crack pipes and all that kind of stuff, man, they just gonna keep using that. They gonna keep going back on that again. So what’s it like living in San Francisco? I like the jazz bars. I go to a lot of jazz bars. It’s very hard to find places where to dance, but I like the museums, too. Ability to bike and walk for a long time. What’s one thing you don’t like? The homeless people. What’s it like living in San Francisco? I don’t live in the city. I was born and raised here, but I don’t live here anymore. I was younger. Oh, it was great, man. It was a. It was live, man. It was just a. It was a different environment, though, you know what I’m saying? Like, that was back in the 90s, 80s, 90s. What’s it like living in San Francisco? Well, it’s a beautiful city, so anytime you want to take a walk, you have great places to go to. There’s the tenderloin. You just have to watch your step. I think people are nice. Like, you know, nobody in the tenderloin is gonna really hurt you. They might pick pocket at you, but I’m. Mostly it’s the mental health stuff. Do you live in San Francisco? I did many years. It was amazing for many years. And then the tech boom came. I think it kind of pressed the city to its limit as far as infrastructure. It’s as San Francisco is. That’s what it does. It reidentifies itself a new about every decade.