Navigating Non-Standard Requests in Showroom Sales: Pricing Kitchen Designs and Managing Customer Expectations

if you’ve ever worked in a showroom and had walk in traffic you’ve heard this many times before and it’s that you know that customer walks in and say hey can you give me a price on this kitchen it’s just a standard 10 by 10 kitchen or hey can you give me a price on this standard galley kitchen and you look at them like what that’s not a thing it’s like you going into a car dealership and say hey can you give me a price on a standard car well what do you want do you want a sedan do you want a convertible do you want a SUV do you want a crossover do you want a midsize SUV what what what do you want nothing standard unless building codes building codes are the only thing that are standard but layouts are 100% not standard um I know that has drove me crazy