Pigeon Messages and Texting Woes: Tales from the Group Chat

Rob doesn’t have a phone that’s able to text. True. He’s stuck in Middle earth. He sends a pigeon to call you. Who is the worst texter in the group chat? I think that might be you. Yeah, no, that was really uncalled for. Um, probably true, but I find comfort from the group chat. Yes, it’s nice from afar. Sometimes I’m like, Markella Cavanagh is getting worse and worse at texting. Robert Aramayo is a poor. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s not even worth trying. No, it’s because he only texts on an iPad. Does he? Yeah. They’re top two contenders. Yeah. I think Mark Kelly used to be good, but you know what’s happened there. I think she’s. Since she got famous. Isabel Cruz called over. Really? Yes. Were you gonna say me? No. Well, yeah. No, it’s not me. Isabel. He’ll text you. Hey, baby, how are you? You respond, hey, honey, I’m really, really good. Seven days later. Glad to hear it. You’re like, what is. I don’t. I can’t even remember what the last. Yeah, I would say is. Is. So you’ve been months responding to me? Alright, that is a lie. It’s not. I’ll get it. The receipt. I’ll get it. Uh, Ben Walker is also rubbish at that. Awful, awful. Rob. Rob. There’s a few of us that are a bit rubbish. Rob doesn’t have a phone that’s able to text. True. And he’s stuck in middle earth. He sends A pigeon to call you