Balancing Act: Selling Cars, Pleasing Wives, and Making Decisions

and I wanna sell you this red Wrangler to match your red Mustang in your driveway as well but the last thing I wanna do is upset my wife so let me just make one quick call and see if it would be okay to put this in your driveway putting food on my family’s plate at night let me let me just call the wife you know what they say happy wife happy life give me one second yeah that’s a no go let me I’ll call you back tomorrow okay and I would love to get you approved with 20% down in a paid off trade but I would feel guilty to sell you the first car you looked at let me show you seven or eight different makes and you can make your pick okay did I give you too many options and I would love to ask my boss if we make a two card deal if I could sell you the second card MSRP but I’m gonna have to pray on it okay let me just give me a second and let me pray on it yeah I’m gonna have to pray on it a few more days he really speak back to me hold on uh that was the wind You want to finance with the DEALERSHIP get the warranty the lifetime oil changes and gap insurance that’s a lot of information I’m gonna have to sleep on it