Protective Action Guide for Those Denied Central University Entry: September 3rd Session Details

Indications for all those interested in taking action through the protection action their rights because they failed to to enter the Central University of Ecuador and they were presented with one or more complications. And what are these reactions we will tell you about it later, but first to all those who will go this day we will have September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. to the little boy Juan Pablo Sanz. To learn more about the protective action, it is important that you bring your copy of the identity card, if the applicant is a minor, remember to bring a copy of your legal representative’s identification card. Apart from this, describe in a text, can be on a simple sheet, what was the case or, for example, if it belongs to the honor roll for having been flag bearer standard bearer escort has to accurately describe how it obtained and how curious it is, bring a certification, and also indicates which careers he is applying to and with the final score quota. Since he did not obtain this college entrance quota, in the case of persons with disabilities per platform that did not allow them to access correctly, exams were closed or had several poorly worded questions with no response options. Also describe this and if you have any other cases, this also will be explained at this Tuesday’s session, so it is important that you come for advice, we must move from the administrative to the judicial sphere and for this purpose here we will explain to you with the group of lawyers how it will have to be acted upon. However, you can now move forward all these elements to bring tomorrow, so let’s get your batteries! And here I leave you just how to get there, what is the building of the economists’ college? where you have to eh contact you and also what the procedure will be and the room in which we will be giving this expanded explanation. We are waiting for you and watch the video below. The place of inspiration is the Iñakiti Juan Pablo Sanz at the Pichincha School of Economists and right at this part you are going to have an inscription table. and then enter and climb to the fourth floor. Remember, we will be here from 9:00 a.m. to receive you. Come on time because the number of seats and space is limited and once we reach the fourth floor, you will go to the right hand, where the room is already ready to explain the process to you