Mastering the 3 Wood: Avoiding Common Mistakes and Perfecting Your Swing

Is your 3 wood the worst club in your bag? Remember, this is not your driver and I’m going to show you the differences. First up is ball position. Now if the ball is too far forward like a driver, this will cause you to hit up on the ball, causing those awful top shots. And nobody likes to see the worm burner. The ball should be slightly forward of centre with a 3 wood, and this will allow you to hit slightly down on the ball. The second mistake is shoulder tilt. Having the shoulders tilted too much like a driver will cause you to hit up on the ball, whereas with a 3 wood you want to hit slightly down. So let’s level it off. With a 3 wood you should only have a slight shoulder tilt, but enough to allow you to sweep that ball away. And finally, because the 3 wood is shorter, stand a little bit closer to the ball, make sure you drop your hands down so it doesn’t look like you’re hitting an iron, and check that you can get your hand between the end of the club and your leg. Top tip try and take a small divot.