Title: Dealing with a Scratched Wheel: Confrontation and Resolution in a Public Area

They scratched the whole wheel. Told him not to move the car, to be careful with the cars. They park the car here. Literally no space. Luckily the black one, they didn’t scratch it. Let’s see what they have to say now. That’s gonna be posted. That’s gonna be a statement. That’s gonna be. And you can call the cops if you want to. And it’s illegal to be recorded. I’m doing my job. I don’t understand. I’m doing too much. I’m doing too much. Yeah. That’s a 10 thousand dollar wheel. I understand. I’m acknowledging everything that’s going on. Telling my superiors that yes, it was done here in a public area. You cannot tell me not to record in public area. You can record anybody. That’s fine. I’m not the owner of the company. I’m not anybody. I’m just doing my job. This is the claim form. This is your information, our information. You guys cannot say like, I know what car of fiber is, but I can’t say it’s real car of fiber. And I believe you, but I can’t. I can’t. You can’t put that. Hopefully they have enough to pay it. I’m sorry that it happened at all, bro. So I understand. Thank you. It’s gonna be taken care of. I can’t say how long it’s gonna be, but it’s gonna be taken care of.