Community Fridge in Villas: A Sustainable Solution for Food and Hygiene Product Redistribution

Drop off the food that you haven’t finished right here into this fridge, into the space. You can also bring your hygiene products that you haven’t used or you don’t like or maybe you brought too many of them. So again, this is the first fridge run by volunteers and the city of Villas. Together, they provide the electricity, the city for this fridge to go on. And there are a few coffee shops and one restaurant here in the park. And they pledge that at the end of the day, you’re gonna bring all the food here also that they haven’t sold. So good news, no food waste. Everyone’s fed, everyone’s taken care of, at least in this park. And I’ve heard that this ridge has been very popular thus far. So yay. And I’m so glad that now whenever we don’t finish something, it’s so close to nearby where we live. We can just come and drop some stuff off. So this is in sepiagubatas in Villas. If you’re a local, make sure to come and check it out and bring some food. So yeah, hopefully many more to come.