Unexpected Reactions: Twin Daughters’ Response to Father’s Presidential Aspirations

Fortunately. Okay. When I was 16. Okay, my father sat my sister and I down and said, now, listen, we really want your support. I’d like to run for president. What’d you say? We broke out in tears. I didn’t see that coming. As only twins can do, we cried in unison. Was it because you were like, oh, please, I don’t want this? We said, no. We said, you’re gonna ruin our lives, dad. Oh, no. And then we said, and even if you run, you’re gonna lose. Oh, no. Well, that didn’t happen. Well, came close, anyway. We went after him. And then since. Wow. And as an adult, do you feel like. Oh, we publicly apologized. Wait, really? Oh, yeah. That was horrible.