Sun Wukong, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li: Exploring The Legendary World of The Forbidden Kingdom

what if I told you in the same year that The Dark Knight & Tropic Thunder was released a legendary movie about Sun Wukong came and went the movie was called The Forbidden Kingdom and not only did it star Jackie Chan and Jet Li in their first ever movie together but also that kid from Sky High also another random fun fact Lui Yifei who went on to play the live action Mulan twelve years later so the movie follows a kid who’s obsessed with Kung fu cinema while looking for some DVDs he finds a staff gets transported to ancient China and discovers that it’s his destiny to bring the staff back to the ancient Monkey King keeping it a buck with you guys this movie didn’t really do well with the critics and I could see why but the fight choreography is actually a lot of fun and very well done I mean especially when you have the likes of Jackie Chan and Jet Lee right before they exited their prime with the help of choreographer Yuen Woo-ping And Yuen is a legendary stunt choreographer who worked on legendary movies like The matrix and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and I know I’m going really hard on this Jet Li and Jackie Chan fight right now but you gotta understand this was the first time ever that these two were in a movie let alone came to blows in a fight but at the end of the day this movie is actually pretty fun there’s a little coming of age element where this guy has two masters teaching him Kung fu Jackie Chan channeling his drunken master comedy chops I do wish that the story was a little tighter there’s a lot of training montages that could have been like cut down to one or two but I don’t think this was a terrible movie especially for the audience it was trying to capture I ran at this for like three bucks on 📺 and I had a really really good time with it guys