The Confusion of Homophones: A Comedic Word Play

So this word is ear, which means this word is beer. No, it’s bear. You know, it’s y’all. It’s because it’s ear with a B. Bear. That’s why. Which means this word would be Baird. No. Why would you think it’s a bear with a D? Beard. Let’s take a step back, okay? This word is bear, which means this word is fair. No, it’s fear. You don’t see how. Ear with an F. I don’t. Fear. Which means ear with a P would be peer. No, it’s pair. Remember bear. I guess I’m moving too fast. So ear with an H would be. It be hair. No. Here. And then if you add a D. Heard. No, it’s heard. It’s here with a D. Heard. Which means this word would be hurt. No, it’s heart. Why do you think here with a T? Heart. You don’t see how? No.