Train with Swole: A Journey to Fitness Success

Everyone starts their fitness journey at a different point. And I feel like a lot of people get discouraged because they see where somebody is now, but they didn’t see where they came from. You gotta realize, like, this wasn’t always me. This physique that y’all might have seen now that you coming into my life, this was not always me. And a lot of times people don’t want to show themselves when they’re here. But in order for people to understand, like this is a journey and that all of this takes time, there has to be this sort of transparency. Cause there’s a lot of people that are at this point where your stress getting started, your train that planet and you’re doing all these different workouts and you’re trying out all these new things, but you have no idea. But I’m telling y’all that is fine. Like, it’s okay to experiments, okay to not be in the know, and it’s okay to try different things and figure out what works best for you. Because even me, somebody that people look to now and think I got it going on, and think I know exactly what I’m talking about, I went through that and I had to figure things out for myself too. But this is where I wanna make things easy for y’all. And I wanna be able to pass down what I know and get y’all started on the right foot. Cause if you’re in this Period. Of trying all these different things and you don’t know. Let me help you. That’s the reason I made this page, and that’s also the reason why I do one on one coaching. So if this is you and you’re trying to get on track, just type in train with swole and allow me to help educate you. The only thing standing in between you and where you want to get to is the knowledge of how to get there and the work ethic needed to actually get there. But if you’re ready to get started, you know where to find me.