In this country, one litre of petrol is point one five, which is equivalent to this much. So it’s very cheap to fill up the whole car. A car of this size costs about $2. Less. Yeah, yeah. Less than $2. $2? Yes, less than $2. So, as you can see, it’s filling up, it’s putting almost 50 litres, and it’s only just hit $1. Very cheap. Now I’m gonna go to the shop. I’m gonna show you how much a bottle of water costs. A litre of water. Here’s the shop, same petrol station. And they should have water inside. Assalamu Alaykumu. Let’s have a look. Here we go. Here’s the big litres of water. This should cost 1 dinar. So remember, a liter of petrol is 0.15. This will cost 1 dinar. 1. Amazing. Thank you so much. Now you can see one dinner. So this bottle of water, which is just over a litre, is six times more than a litre of petrol. Absolutely insane. So, yeah, welcome to Libya, where petrol is cheaper than water. Literally.