Unbelievable Cost Comparison: Petrol Cheaper than Water in Libya

In this country, one litre of petrol is point one five, which is equivalent to this much. So it’s very cheap to fill up the whole car. A car of this size costs about $2. Less. Yeah, yeah. Less than $2. $2? Yes, less than $2. So, as you can see, it’s filling up, it’s putting almost 50 litres, and it’s only just hit $1. Very cheap. Now I’m gonna go to the shop. I’m gonna show you how much a bottle of water costs. A litre of water. Here’s the shop, same petrol station. And they should have water inside. Assalamu Alaykumu. Let’s have a look. Here we go. Here’s the big litres of water. This should cost 1 dinar. So remember, a liter of petrol is 0.15. This will cost 1 dinar. 1. Amazing. Thank you so much. Now you can see one dinner. So this bottle of water, which is just over a litre, is six times more than a litre of petrol. Absolutely insane. So, yeah, welcome to Libya, where petrol is cheaper than water. Literally.