Creative Drink Creation: Pacific Cooler Citrus Refresher in a Mason Jar with a Thick Straw

We’re doing something, but it’s gonna be a little different. If you can see, there’s room for creamer, but we’re not using creamer. Okay, this is my idea. Just let me have my moment. Make sure there’s no mice in there.

So that’s like a Pacific Cooler flavor, which is like cherry, apple, pineapple. Then we’re gonna take the element citrus salt, which I love element. It’s a very salty, which is why I wanted to add something sweet. It’s still like really refreshing. Like anything is refreshing in this. And this looks like sewer water because of what I added. But then we’re adding most of that. And I also, my big straw is in the wash, both of them. I can’t say that we’re settling for this small thing.

Cute. Really? This is the best thing I have ever made. This is so good. Obnoxiously delicious. It’s the Pacific cooler. Just some of it. There’s still quite a bit left. And then most of this in a bunch of water, but you have to do it in one of these big Mason jars with a thick straw. Don’t even follow my lead here. I don’t have a thick straw. So good. Also, I Mason jars and thick straws are LinkedIn my Amazon storefront, so you can buy them there. Bye.