Analyzing Metrics and Adjusting Budgets: A Productive Meeting Agenda

Ladies, what is going on? Hey, welcome. So before we get started, I want to make sure that everybody has a muffin. They’re from Trader Joe’s and of course, gluten free for our girl Kelly. Um, thank you. This is delicious. Okay, the objective of today’s meeting is to go over last quarter’s metrics. I think, Cindy, you have the report? Yes. So we’re gonna spend the first 10 minutes of the meeting analyzing last quarter’s metrics, and then the remainder of the time adjusting next quarter’s budget accordingly. Sound good to everybody? Okay, great. Here is Q1’s TikTok and Instagram engagement rates. Wow, Kelly, our organic TikTok engagement is up 185%. That’s all you. Thanks. You know, that New Intern had some really good ideas. Maybe we should ask if she wants to be full time this summer. Okay, I will set a reminder to send a note to HR. And here is our Q1 TikTok and Instagram conversion rates. Hmm. That influencer campaign didn’t have a great ROI. Yeah, you know, I didn’t love the studio we had to partner with on that one. I’m gonna send out feelers for a new studio and secure one by the end of the week. Hey, Rachel, was running that campaign too much work for one person? Cause we could always allocate a producer to you. That would actually be great, Cindy. Thanks. I’ll make a note to follow up with you on that.