Missy’s Instagram Rant: The Agonizing Experience of the Talking Stage

I saw a post on Instagram Missy and who next in line to waste my time. Come on, let’s go ahead and get it over with haha. Cause no, for real, I’m sick of this shit. Like for real. Come on, make this shit quick. One fact about me. A favorite color? Yellow. Favorite food? Chicken. I bite my fingernails. Um. I ain’t got no ass. Yeah haha. It’s something about that motherfucking talking stage that aggravates the fuck out of me. It’s just like a waste of time. All that trying to get to know just for. Just for to be nothing. Stay out of my face, leave me alone and that shit. So annoying. Eat there 5 minutes. What you doing? What you doing? What you doing? Nothing. Damn it. Let’s meet up and go get something to eat. Motherfucker. Since you wanna know that motherfucking bad. Haha. I get so tired of that shit. Fuck. Like what a real motherfuckers it that make you catch butterflies and you know, hang on top of the ceiling talking on the phone. Like you ain’t making me blush or making my pussy do that heartbeat thing. You motherfucker just aggravate in the motherfucking way.